Pictures of Finland

This page has not been created in order to show how Finland is better than England :)
Please, for any queries, contact
Well, let's see, first, the place where we live:
Tikkurila: this is the nearest town from our flat. We can find almost all what we want here. However, we haven't seen any cinemas there.
Please, I request no comments about this picture :)  The guy on the left is Kiku, a japanese. This game area is between our flats.
"In Japan, we eat rice !" In Finland too Kiku ! Notice the fridge and the freezer in background.
Artist at work. 
That's a "crêpe". I am not joking !
In the train to go to Helsinki. Kiku is hiding his computer and his digital camera in his bag.
Have you ever seen a Japanese guy drunk ?
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(Pictures of Helsinki)