Computer nerd

* Some of my university projects *

- Internet security - (May 1997)
Essay written for my last year project of Bachelor of Science for a British university. (56 Kb)

- La sécurité sur Internet - (June 1997)
Essay written in French for my diploma work at the French university. Basically, it's a translation of the English essay above :) (65 Kb)

- The sound on Internet - (May 1997)
Short study about the development and use of sound/music on the Internet.

* Ray tracing *

- Beyond the imagination - (December 1998 - ...)
Photo gallery. Pictures made with POVray (Persistence Of Vision) and Moray.

- Pieces of architecture - (November 1998 - ...)
The house of my dreams designed with POVray and Moray. "Stella" (the name of the house) is a mixed style between the Sino-japanese harmony and the Finnish functionality. I wanted to create a home where one could find some energizing rest and feel in harmony with oneself. One step was to create an architecture taking advantage of the tellurian energy. The other main step was to keep the house as simple as possible by avoiding everything useless. It means every object has its own meaning and role in the creation of this specific home atmosphere.
So far, only the bed room has been designed in 3-D and rendered with POVray.

* Tools used to design this website *