Piece of Love, piece of Life ...

Heart being pierced by the arrow of Love ...  


A shiny Sunday
A boat
An island
A picnic
A walk
Two hearts together

The first step

Your smile hidden by the cover
Your eyes looking for Love
Your arms around my neck
Your lips offered to me
The beginning of Love

Lights in the dark

Three matches one by one lighted in the night
The first one to see your face
The second one to see your charming eyes
The third one to see your mouth with its lovely smile
And the whole darkness to remember all that
while taking you in my arms


Demons and Wonders
Winds and tides
Already the sea has withdrawn far away
And You
Like seaweed softly caressed by the wind
On a sandy bed you stir as you dream
Demons and Wonders
Winds and tides
Already the sea has withdrawn far away
But in your half-open eyes
Two little waves stayed behind
Demons and Wonders
Winds and tides
Two little waves to drown me

Translated from Jacques Prevert

As good as it gets

You opened my eyes on the beauty of the world
You cleared my mind from some old feelings
You gave a meaning and a direction to my life
You gave me the strength I needed
You opened my heart
and made it generous for the others
You simply made me be a better man

Deep thougths



Do you remember on the coach in Saint Petersburg ?
Do you remember you sitting on my bed ?
Do you remember the tenderness of being in my arms ?
Do you remember the heat and the emotion of your hand in my hand ?
Do you remember the joy of your eyes in my eyes ?
Do you remember our common happiness ?
Do you remember this magic of two hearts together ?
You don’t want to
But I do remember

Joy & sadness

You meet me
You look for me
You learn to know me
You date me
You lay next to me
You kiss me
You grip me
You shout
You exult
You like me
You love me maybe

I leave for a while
I come back
And I have only my eyes
to cry and see
The treasure I thought I got
But actually lost

No regrets

You did the first step towards Love
You were happy
You did not regret it
You also ended up Love
You did not regret it
I don’t regret anything from the past
even though we maybe missed
some worthwhile treasures
That’s our destiny

Acknowledgements to someone

Thank you for the time you spent with me
Thank you for making me still believe in Love
Thank you for your permanent smile offered to me
Thank you for the magic nights we spent
Thank you for making me feel so good
Thank you for everything