I wish through those few pages to make you discover Jacques Prévert's French poetry and his simple way of speaking about life and love. You'll see that Jacques Prévert does not try to phrase or look after the grammar: he writes in the same way as he speaks and that is why his poems are so beautiful and true. I have filed his poems in small groups with the idea of accessibility. All his poems are taken from "Paroles", book which was published in 1945 and took France by storm. Jacques Prévert strongly influenced Paris artists and the surrealist movement..
- Biography -
The simple life of a Parisian poet. |
- Quotes -
Prévert's most famous quotes. |
- Bibliography -
Prévert's books and publications. |
- Prévert and music -
His poems' performances: Barbara, Déjeuner du matin, Alicante.
- Prévert and the cinema -
Filmography. |
- Forum about Prévert -
Discussion about Prévert and his poetry
- Despair and sadness - In French
Déjeuner du matin, Le désespoir est assis sur un banc, Le miroir brisé, Le cheval rouge, Dimanche, L'automne. |
- Violence and war - Complainte du fusillé, Chanson dans le sang, Le Ministre de la guerre, La guerre déclarée, Chasse à l'enfant. |
- Beauty of innocence - Le Cancre, Le paysage changeur, Presque, L'école des beaux-arts. |
- Birds - In French
Chanson de l'oiseleur, Pour faire le portrait d'un oiseau. |
- Simples beauties - In French
La belle saison, Alicante, Barbara, Vous allez voir ce que vous allez voir, Premier jour, Osiris ou la fuite en Égypte. |
- Loves - In French
Cet Amour, Sables mouvants, Immense et Rouge, Chanson, Chanson du geôlier, Le jardin. |
- Religion - In French
Pater noster, La Cène. |